April 19, 2009
We are slowly trying to read through the Book of Mormon with the kids. Slowly. They can only sit through maybe a page before the ants in the pants show up. But, as we plod along, I am noticing the light going on in their minds and they are starting to grasp the principles being taught in the scriptures. It's a wonderful thing!
April 20, 2009
Brazil. A country none of us really knew much about. So, we sat down together for Family Home Evening to do a little research on it. Lyndon and the girls really enjoyed it. I didn't. I didn't enjoy learning about the place that was taking my husband away from me. In fact, I may have developed a slight grudge against the place. I *might* get over it, if Lyndon takes me with him next time :)
April 21, 2009
Passport time! Not sure why I put this off. Probably a fear of long line ups and passport photos. I survived the horrible corpse-like photo, and even better -absolutely NO ONE in line! YES! I was in and out in less than 10 minutes. Maybe this passport thing will grow on me.
April 22, 2009
I helped
TJ at her Achievement Days activity. There were 12 girls there and they were one craft short.
TJ made me proud by immediately raising her hand to offer to go without so another girl, a visitor, could have one. What a doll. Her teacher smiled and offered to bring her a pot to paint another day, which she did, and we all painted pots together on a future Family Home Evening.
April 23, 2009
There is a lot to get organized when you plan to travel out of the country. My heart was aching watching him pack, knowing that he'd be so far away for 10 long days. Is it normal to be excited for him, jealous of him, scared for him, and miss him all at the same time? And all before he's even gone?
April 24, 2009
And he's off... Many hugs were given. And I did not cry, or blubber, or lose it. Really. At least, not too badly. And not in front of him. Much. I'm a big girl and this is no big deal. We'll all be fine. Seriously. I missed him the moment he was out of my sight. Who am I kidding, I missed him before that. But I'm happy for him. So happy :)
April 25, 2009
We had 5 young women and their
YW leader billet at our house from Winnipeg this weekend. They were so sweet, though I didn't actually get to see much of them. They spent from 8am until 11pm at the church for the conference, so I basically was here while they slept :) They left me this sweet card and a lovely gift - a bar of strawberry soap from the Body Shop. My girls all wanted to use it so they could smell like perfume.
April 26, 2009
Do you ever just thank your lucky stars for a certain someone in your life? I do from time to time. In my case, I have a certain FAMILY in my life that I adore and who were kind enough to invite me and my girls over to dinner (and some wonderful adult conversation) while my husband is away. They are truly some of our very best friends, and also some of the most Christlike people I've ever had the pleasure to know. I mean, who has the
wheaties to invite 5 extra mouths over for dinner? These folks, that's who! I enjoyed visiting with
Ketrisse and watching her sweet relationship with her children.
April 27, 2009
Ooooh la la. These would be what I call a "Sweet" success. I've never before made cinnamon rolls, but in my ever increasing attempt to keep busy this week, I thought I'd give them a shot. Oh, heaven! They turned out PERFECT!
April 28, 2009
Oh, what do you do in the Springtime, when all the world is white? Take it easy and scrapbook, that's what! Thankfully the temperatures warmed up enough that it was all melted by evening :)
April 29, 2009
Lyndon is still alive and well in Brazil, seeing the sights, eating the food, enjoying the company, and missing us. It's been hard on us both, but being able to chat online at night has helped.
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