May 23, 2009

Hot Spring day, lots to do, much fun had! Mom did a
photoshoot, Dad took the kids to the store, then it was off to a fun EMS open house with demos, balloons, and food! Then it was off to
Evraz Place to play and look at the animals.
May 22, 2009

End of May and we BARELY were able to plant our vegetable garden! Frost warnings, snow, and freezing rain has prevented us so far. CRAZY! I'll be so glad to see our carrots, onions, peas, tomatoes, and Swiss Chard coming up!
May 21, 2009

Quick song practice for Lyndon, Bishop Howie, Bro. Bates, and Bro.
Harker - they were singing a hymn for the Stake Priesthood meeting while Hubby played. They were missing one member of their quartet, though - Bro.
Millar, who joined them for another practice later.
May 20, 2009

Jersey day at school. Well, we aren't a "sporty" type family, so we had zero jerseys around here. Therefore, a trip to Le Village was in order. After a short look through the boys' section, we came away with three cute jerseys for our girls to wear.
May 19, 2009

Tuesday was a slow day, doing nothing but laundry and editing pics from the
photoshoot on Saturday. I loved every second of the boring, slowness. Hubby treated us to a dinner out at a favorite Chinese
restaurant nearby. It was the perfect ending to a perfectly boring day :)
May 18, 2009

We headed out to the YMCA to play, since nothing else seemed to be open on this Victoria Day Monday! We played at the indoor play structure for a while, then realized that our day pass also included the pool! We got the kids in their
swim suits and all headed into the pool for some fun. We loved it. The water was so warm - even in the regular swimming pools!
May 17, 2009

Sunday was like most Sundays - busy and wonderful. We magically all got out the door early enough for a quick picture and time to race back home to look for forgotten church keys :)
May 16, 2009

When grandma and grandpa visit, we put them straight to work! They were so awesome to purchase fabric and foam to help us recover our kitchen chairs. They look like new! I LOVE them! They worked so hard to help us - I am so grateful!
May 15, 2009

Grandma and Grandpa G arrived with little cousin 'S' in tow! We visited for a short while before heading off to bed. It was hard to sleep while we were so excited to have them here!
May 14, 2009

On Thursday (May 14) the girls had a day off school, so they decided that, while cleaning their room, that they would like to rearrange it. Okay - sounds fun! We moved furniture, washed walls, scrubbed down dressers, desks, you name it! In the end, the girls love their 'new' room. It gives them lots of space to play, AND we managed to get rid of bags full of trash and give aways. Nice!
May 13, 2009

Spirit days at school are here again!
TJ and her
Chassity, dressed in the same jeans, sweaters, and jackets - and even did their hair the same way. So fun to have best friends!
May 12, 2009

Monsters vs Aliens 3D! What a great movie - even
JJ kept her glasses on the whole time. It's amazing the technology we enjoy today!
May 11. 2009

Family Home Evening treat #2046 - okay maybe not, but it certainly COULD be. We treated the kids to some cones at our favorite ice cream shoppe - Milky Way!
May 10, 2009

Mothers day.
"And thou shalt in thy daughter see,
This picture, once, resembled thee.~Ambrose Philips"May 9, 2009

What a wonderful day for me. We had our Stake Relief Society Meeting and I was able to attend 3 wonderful workshops. This one was my good friend,
Ketrisse, who taught about finding joy every minute. She was the perfect one to teach this class and it was awesome.
May 8, 2009

Dentist time once again. Seeing as we now have coverage, it was time for a family visit! Good news - zero cavities! Which is quite good seeing as it had been nearly 2 years since we've seen a dentist!
May 7, 2009

Mr. Oreo - he's a
humongous hamster - seriously verging on rat size, but the sweetest, most gentle creature I've met. Since buying him back in December, he's never bitten anyone, and is so patient with the girls who love to maul him a few times every day!
May 6, 2009

The girls know that they are allowed to have friends over ONCE a week. Our lives are too hectic to have them over more than that. This was
TJ's turn to have a friend over - and who else but
Chassity? They enjoyed their time by playing board games.
May 5, 2009

Seeing as we're nothing if not a family of winners - our girls entered a video for the
WCB safety video contest, and WON! They each won a prize pack including T-shirts, stickers, coloring books, whistles, crayons AND $100 to the
Cineplex theaters!
WAHOO! It pays to be safe!
May 4, 2009

B finally lost her front top tooth. Isn't that a HUGE rite of passage? She was thrilled to lose it and even more thrilled with the
moolah the tooth fairy left her :)
May 3, 2009

Oh happy day! Lyndon finally returned home from his school trip to Brazil. We were ALL over joyed to see him again, and it had nothing to do with all of the fun gifts he brought back for us!
May 2, 2009
TJ won FIRST PLACE in the Queen's City Comic Contest by drawing a one - page comic above, The prize was $100! We were SO proud of her. She is quite the little artist!
May 1, 2009

Dreaming of hubby who is enjoying his time in Brazil. It's true what they say - absence DOES make the heart grow fonder!
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